WeBuilder is an application that provides a complete all-in-one web code editor for all your web document editing needs.
Clean and convenient interface, quick startup, true flexibility and powerful features allow you to create and edit HTML, CSS, JavaScript, VBScript, PHP, ASP, SSI, Perl code faster and easier than ever, while integrated tools enable you to validate, reuse, navigate and deploy your code in an efficient and sophisticated manner.
Whether you are a professional developer or pure enthusiast, with Rapid PHP editor you can get your job done faster, save your time and increase productivity.
Features include syntax highlighting for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, ASP, WML, XML and Perl, script function hints, auto complete, built-in File and FTP Explorer, project management, built-in Web browser, integration with Web server, code explorer, find and replace in files, multi-item clipboard.
Multiple/tabbed document interface
Taskbar (Document Tabs)
Familiar MS Office style toolbars
Workspace layout management
Customizable keyboard shortcuts
Text Editor:
Line numbering, Gutter, Margin
UTF-8 Unicode support
Word wrap
Multiple level Undo/Redo
Search and replace with regular expression support
Find and Replace in files
Code collapse
Bracket highlighting
Block select
Simple CSS property name checking
Code Syntax Highlighting:
PHP syntax highlighting
HTML syntax highlighting
CSS syntax highlighting
JavaScript syntax highlighting
VBScript syntax highlighting
ASP syntax highlighting
XML syntax highlighting
Perl syntax highlighting
SQL syntax highlighting
HTML and CSS Code Writing:
Code Inspector for CSS properties
Auto Complete for CSS properties
HTML Color Picker
CSS Selector Creator
CSS Selector Browser
JavaScript Code Writing:
JavaScript Function Hints
JavaScript Code Explorer
JavaScript Code Snippets
JavaScript Auto Complete
PHP Code Writing:
PHP Function Hints
PHP Auto Complete
PHP Syntax Check
PHP Code Explorer
PHP Code Snippets
HTML to PHP conversion
Insert PHP Server Variable
ASP, SSI Code Writing:
ASP Code Snippets
ASP Code Insertion
ASP Object Browser
SSI Code Snippets
SSI Code Insertion
Connectivity Features:
Open documents from HTTP server
Open/save documents from/to FTP server
Automatically publish HTML with linked files (images, css, javascripts) to FTP
Code Previewing:
Built-In Preview (Internet Explorer and FireFox)
Vertical and horizontal Split Screen Preview for real-time HTML preview
Preview in External Browser (w/o saving the file)
Preview on a web server
Productivity Tools:
Multiple item Clipboard
Built-in File Explorer
Code Library
SQL Database Explorer
Help and Reference:
Integration with online PHP documentation
Built-in HTML 4.0 Reference
Built-in CSS Reference
OS: Windows 2K / XP / Vista / Vista 64 bit / 7 / 7 64 bit / 8 / 8 64 bit
——-[What’s New in This Release]——————–
Updated Chrome preview version
Fixed various errors and software exceptions
Ability to cancel snippets with input boxes
Fixed JS and PHP sample snippets
Fixed the disappearance of macros
Various SQL panel fixes
Improved CSS validator
Improved refresh + code/preview synch
Fixed visual TD tag matching
Updated JavaScript libraries
F5 now works in preview window
Fixed bug where program froze on encountering links that start with //
Improved HTML auto complete
Special Characters form fixes
Safe FTP upload mode now preserves permissions
Improved French localization
Improved regular expression search
Improved code explorer
Improved block comments insertion
JS checker now works in .JS files
Diff now works with unsaved and FTP files
Leading and trailing spaces are now preserved in snippets
Fixed memory leak in color picker
Fixed PHP formatter bugs
SQL browser updated, added basic actions – paste, copy, cut, select all, undo, redo
Updated inspector number editor to bet…
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File Size : 20.9 MB