Wave Editor 3
Wave Editor is a software with a title that pretty much explains its functionality – it lets you easily edit audio tracks with the WAV extension. The interface of the application is simplistic and easy to navigate through. Audio tracks can be imported via the file browser or “drag and drop” method.
So, you can use the mouse cursor to make a selection or manually input the begin and end time, adjust the volume and save the selected area in the WAV format.
Features of Wave Editor 3
• Bits per sample: 8bit, 16bit
• Channels: Mono/Stereo
• Sample Rate: from 8000 Hz to 96000 Hz
• Update Checker
• Integration with other audio tools
• Multilingual user interface
Languages: English, Finnish, French, Spanish, Greek, Italian, Dutch, Japanese, Portuguese (Brazil), Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Croatian, Russian, Slovak
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