TOWeb Studio Edition [Latest]

TOWeb Full Version

Lauyan TOWeb combines the latest HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript technologies with the Responsive Web Design (RWD) approach to create modern websites that looks great when displayed on any device : smartphones, tablets, laptops, desktops, TVs…

TOWeb 7

Features of TOWeb Final

• Included free website templates
• Easy and intuitive content editing
• Complete and modern theme editor
• Online store creator
• Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
• Publish to any web host

Other features:
• Interactive features to allow your visitors to leave comments on your pages or your products, subscribe to your mailing list or respond to pools (PHP hosting required)
• ​Easy links and topics creation
​• An included Search box and Search Engine for your pages and products
• Access to 100s Google Web Fonts
​• Security features to protect any page with a password, and captcha verification to protect your forms
​• Multi-image, sliders, albums, and an image editor to adjust your pictures directly in TOWeb
​• Export and import features for catalog products

Title: TOWeb v7.0.6.756 Studio Edition
License: ShareWare
Language: Multilingual
OS: Windows
– A new “no margin” option in the “paragraph layout” allows you to remove the spacing between paragraphs when they are aligned next to each others
– When using a background image to a paragraph, a new “position” button now allows the change of the image alignment+repeat+size options
– The datepicker used in web forms now allows by default the selection of 100 years back to make it easier to enter a date of birth
– Fix of a security vulnerability allowing an attacker to post a text message in a page of your site
– In the “Topics” step, when editing a product page of a catalog, 2 buttons have been put back in the TOWeb toolbar allowing direct access to both the catalog and e-Commerce functions
– When at least one side panel was defined in a catalog product page, related products could have been displayed in the sidebar and no longer to the end of the page
– Using the “Delete all languages except..” function located in “Options > Languages” was not always keeping all the texts in the correct language when related to the new TOWeb V7 objects, such as Plan & Price for instance
– After making some changes to the background properties of a paragraph, the width of this paragraph could be displayed incorrectly, requiring a refresh of the page
– Some TOWeb dialogs had their “Cancel” button displayed in French when using the user interface in English, Italian, German, Spanish or Portuguese
– Changes of the default options when creating a site introduction page
– Fix of a label wrongly displayed in the window to duplicate a paragraph
– Support of Sogecommerce, the secured online payment of the French bank Société Générale®

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