Lauyan TOWeb combines the latest HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript technologies with the Responsive Web Design (RWD) approach to create modern websites that looks great when displayed on any device : smartphones, tablets, laptops, desktops, TVs…
Features of TOWeb Final
• Included free website templates
• Easy and intuitive content editing
• Complete and modern theme editor
• Online store creator
• Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
• Publish to any web host
Other features:
• Interactive features to allow your visitors to leave comments on your pages or your products, subscribe to your mailing list or respond to pools (PHP hosting required)
• Easy links and topics creation
• An included Search box and Search Engine for your pages and products
• Access to 100s Google Web Fonts
• Security features to protect any page with a password, and captcha verification to protect your forms
• Multi-image, sliders, albums, and an image editor to adjust your pictures directly in TOWeb
• Export and import features for catalog products
License: ShareWare
Language: Multilingual
OS: Windows
– When using a background image to a paragraph, a new “position” button now allows the change of the image alignment+repeat+size options
– The datepicker used in web forms now allows by default the selection of 100 years back to make it easier to enter a date of birth
– Fix of a security vulnerability allowing an attacker to post a text message in a page of your site
– In the “Topics” step, when editing a product page of a catalog, 2 buttons have been put back in the TOWeb toolbar allowing direct access to both the catalog and e-Commerce functions
– When at least one side panel was defined in a catalog product page, related products could have been displayed in the sidebar and no longer to the end of the page
– Using the “Delete all languages except..” function located in “Options > Languages” was not always keeping all the texts in the correct language when related to the new TOWeb V7 objects, such as Plan & Price for instance
– After making some changes to the background properties of a paragraph, the width of this paragraph could be displayed incorrectly, requiring a refresh of the page
– Some TOWeb dialogs had their “Cancel” button displayed in French when using the user interface in English, Italian, German, Spanish or Portuguese
– Changes of the default options when creating a site introduction page
– Fix of a label wrongly displayed in the window to duplicate a paragraph
– Support of Sogecommerce, the secured online payment of the French bank Société Générale®
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