StataCorp Stata 14.2 Revision 29.09.2016 [Latest]

StataCorp Stata 14

Download StataCorp Stata 14 from the developer’s website. StataCorp LP. has released Stata 14.2 (Revision 29.09.2016) is a complete, integrated statistical software package that provides everything you need for data analysis, data management, and graphics.

Stata is a powerful statistical software that enables users to analyze, manage, and produce graphical visualizations of data. It is primarily used by researchers in the fields of economics, biomedicine, and political science to examine data patterns. It has both a command line and graphical user interface making the use of the software more intuitive.

StataCorp Stata 14 Full

Features of StataCorp Stata 14 Full

  • Online help and the search index have been brought up to date for Stata Journal 16(3).
  • destring, when used to convert a number stored as text that included leading or trailing Unicode whitespace characters, converted the number to missing instead of its numeric value. This has been fixed.
  • After the 30mar2016 update, estat concordance, when the number of comparison pairs, the number of orderings as expected, or the number of tied predictions was greater than 10 million, incorrectly reported rounded values for the statistic that was greater than 10 million. This has been fixed.
  • gmm, when used with option xtinst() and when the data contained panels that were completely dropped from the estimation sample, incorrectly exited with error message “esample() invalid”. This has been fixed.
  • For graphics commands that support adding additional plots using option addplot(), suboption below was respected on the initial drawing, and the added plot was drawn below the command’s own plot or plots. However, if the resulting graph was saved with graph save or combined with graph combine, then the added plot was brought back above the command’s own plot or plots. This has been fixed.

Title: StataCorp Stata v14.2 (Revision 29.09.2016)
Developer: Home Page
License: Paid
Language: English
OS: Windows
– Official website does not supply any information about changes in this version

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