How to install Rupee Font (INDIA)

Download Rupee Font

Rupee Font Download – The Reserve Bank of India releases the rupee symbol to rescue the Indian rupees again. Here we provide the free download of the Rupee symbol so you can use it anywhere in your documents on websites as well. First download the rupee source form provided below and read the instructions on how to install and use it.

Rupee symbol font

How to install and use Rupee symbol font

  1. Download the rupee font symbol from below link
  2. Unzip the file
  3. Go to Windows > Start > Control Panel > fonts
  4. Copy and paste the download rupee symbol font to the fonts folder
  5. Open your MS word and click insert symbol
  6. Browse for “Rupee Foradian” and you will find this rupee symbol.
  7. Use Capital A to Capital T for different Font style in Rupee Symbol.

How to Use Rupee Symbol Font

Limitations of Rupee symbol font

  • It works only on computers where this font is installed. Even the MS Word default grammar and spelling check is considering this symbol as ‘error’.
  • It takes some time to get this symbol universalized. Nevertheless, good work by Foradian team for developing the Rupee font symbol for Indians.

Download Indian Rupee Symbol Font

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