Registry Recycler + Portable [Latest]

Registry Recycler

Registry Recycler

Registry Recycler is an application designed to help you make your computer operate faster by deleting damaged, corrupted or invalid registry entries.

Enables you to detect and clean registry keys
• After a quick setup, you are welcomed by a clean and well-structured interface that is designed as a dashboard. While the right panel provides you quick access to the main functions, the right area includes several more options for scanning, cleaning, defragmenting, creating backups, restore and managing the Startup programs.
• The program can help you speed up your computer in a simple three step process. First off, you need to specify the types of registry entries you are interested in cleaning by checking them in the dedicated panel. The app automatically scans the registry library and reveals the number of entries found in the desired category. The third step entails reviewing the results in a detail list and specifying the entries that you want to wipe before hitting the Fix Errors button.

Includes registry backup and defragmentation functions
• The utility allows you to create backups of the current registry configurations that you can access at any point and restore. Moreover, it comes with a defragmentation utensil that can come in handy if you have never performed this task on your system before and you regularly install and uninstall numerous programs.
• It would have been nice if the app if the application came with an uninstaller component, especially since corrupted or invalid entries can occur because users are unable to safely remove applications and hence, it is likely that performing the task via the Windows tool leaves traces your system. In addition, it would have been helpful if the app included a feature that enabled you to deal with junk files resulted from browsers, especially since these logs tend to eat up a lot of space on the hard drive.

A minimalistic tool that can help you speed up your PC
• All in all, if you are looking for a simple solution to clean registry entries that could be the cause of your computer’s slow performance, then perhaps Registry Recycler might be worth a try.

Features of Registry Recycler

• Defrag Fragmented Registry
• Run Programs Smoothly
• Windows Startup Faster
• Backup & Restore Registry

Title: Registry Recycler v0.9.3.1
Developer: Home Page
License: FreeWare
Language: English
OS: Windows
* not available

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