Acelogix Registry Finder 2.1
As the name of this program implies, Registry Finder can help you locate particular entries within the Windows Registry.
It is recommended for advanced users who are looking to modify registry entries, in order to clear up system errors and to improve the computer’s overall performance.
The app is wrapped in a user-friendly interface where you have several search filters available. Thus, you can make the tool look for keys, values and data in the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and HKEY_USERS hives.
Features of Acelogix Registry Finder 2
• Results are displayed in a list allowing you to access any key found with a single mouse click
• Edit the value and/or data without going to Regedit
• Replace data or values in the Registry. You can select multiple entries in the list and do a group-replace action
• Bookmarking registry keys from the Search list and directly from the Windows Registry Editor
• Delete Registry keys, values and/or data. You can select multiple Registry entries and delete them in one operation
• An Undo File is created for all the edit, replace and delete operations facilitating the restoration process if required
• Jump to a key in Windows Regedit tool from the Search List
• Copy the selected Registry keys to the Windows Clipboard
• Generate a text file based on the Search list and saves it
Developer: AceLogiX
License: ShareWare
Language: English
OS: Windows
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