Madcrosoft PC TuneUp Tools 2015 10.0.000

Madcrosoft PC TuneUp Tools 2015 10.0.000

Madcrosoft PC TuneUp Tools 2015 10.0.000

PC TuneUp Tools is an easy to use application that automatically cleans and optimises your system and frees it from registry errors and unwanted fragmented file entries.

One mouse click and PC TuneUp Tools does the rest, and using PC TuneUp Tools regularly keeps your PC free from errors and from obsolete, unused or unwanted files.

  • Registry Cleaner 8:
  • Registry Cleaner Removes unwanted fragments left by uninstalled and software products within your system.
  • Windows Prefetch Cleaner:
  • Just like the TEMP directory on your system, the Prefetch folder can fill up with lots of unused entries and take up needed space.
  • Privacy Cleaner:
  • Privacy Cleaner Remove all your browsing history with the click of one button.
  • Desktop Lock:
  • Desktop Lock Enables you to apply password protection to your Windows desktop and restrict use of your PC while you are away.
  • Startup Manager:
  • Startup Manager Make Windows boot faster by managing what loads when you switch on your PC.
  • Hard Drive Cleaner:
  • Hard Drive Cleaner The removal of unwanted files and folders clogging up your Windows OS.
  • Memory Manager:
  • Memory Manager can efficiently optimize memory usage of your Windows system, free up physical RAM and make your system work better.
  • Restore Point Cleaner:
  • Restore Point Cleaner This process its self could free up between 500mb to 5 GB of hard disk space.
  • Cookie Analyser:
  • Cookie Analyser View what information websites are leaving on your system IE 7,8 and 9 ONLY.
  • File Encrypter:
  • File Encrypter Safeguard important documents on your PC. Password protects any file with an unbreakable encryption algorithm.
  • Registry Backup/Restore:
  • Registry Backup and Restore For the sake of preventative maintenance create a full registry backup in case of major system failure.


OS: Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8 


4.7 MB

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