Greeting Card Xpress PRO

Greeting Card Xpress PRO Full Version

Greeting Card Xpress PRO have more than 100 ready to use templates, which can be used at single click. Templates those are perfect for adding impact across your designs. Get your Greeting Card design for any occasion and event. Ready to use templates are categorized occasion wise for the convenience of the user. We have templates ready for Anniversary, Birthday, Thank You Cards, Best Wishes, Congratulations, Invitation Cards and many more. Get started easily with these Templates.

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Features of Greeting Card Xpress PRO

Design Greeting Your Way! Ultimate Greeting Personalization
• Normally with ready-made greeting cards you have restriction on your selection; either you like the look of greeting but the quotes are not matching to your feelings and vice versa. But in Greeting Card Xpress we give you option to choose your template, quotes and photos easily. Make your ultimate personalized greeting cards in no time with Greeting Card Xpress.

Designing Greeting Card is easy and fast
• Greeting card design creation is not a tough job anymore. Greeting Card Xpress helps you achieve it speedily and easily. Save your time & efforts and get professional looking results. Create different type of greeting designs of various sizes for different events/moods/occasions in just few clicks. It has inbuilt industry standard sizes and ready to use templates by which you can generate instant design. Greeting Card creation got automatic, easy and fast.

Attract More with Décor
• Choose over hundreds of borders, masking effects, elegant backgrounds, clip arts and many more. Make your Greeting Card designs look more attractive using ready to use decor. Greeting Card Xpress provides varieties of backgrounds, borders, clipart and all that can be used in multiple ready tones. No limitations to Creativity!

Beautify more with Ready Clipart
• You can decorate your greeting more and more by ready clipart, which beautifies your Greeting Card. Use from given collection or you can import your own as per your requirement. You can generate 18 ready tones for any clipart, no matter if it’s your own or DgFlick.

Choose Quotes Occasion wise
• Get Quotes to write in your Greeting Card for any occasion and event. Ready to use quotes are categorized occasion wise for the convenience of the user. We have quotes ready for Anniversary, Birthday, Thank You Cards, Best Wishes, Congratulations, Invitation Cards and many more. You can add our own quotes easily or can edit the existing one with desire font type, size and color.

Express your feelings
• Express your feelings to special someone and make them feel on Top of the World. Greeting Card Xpress helps you in making special Personalized Greetings. It provides the flexibility to use personal quotes, loved ones photos and design your feelings filled Card in just few clicks. It is a best Option to let others know what u feel for them in your style!

Write in Your Style to Express
• Writing messages/quotes/ titles on the Greeting cards are not just words that you write but they are the emotions you wish to convey. Make them felt more by using text of different colors and fonts. Inserting text is made simple. You can add multiline Rich Text, font size and font color you wish. Ready to use presets are also available. Write and convey more with the Greeting Card Xpress!

Get photos from Bluetooth or Facebook
• If you wish to use photos which already exist on your Facebook account, Greeting Card Xpress provides you with the special provision by which you can fetch it easily. It has a feature of photo import, by which you can login to your Facebook account and download the photos. Also if your system is Bluetooth enabled, the photos can be transferred to the Greeting Card Xpress as it have option to accept photos via Bluetooth.

Share your creative skill
• Let others also see how creative you are!! Once the Greeting Card design is completed, you can share it on Facebook in just one click. You can create greetings for your Facebook friends and can easily share it on their timeline.

Save or Export Your Greetings
• Project of Greeting Xpress can be saved and can be get reopen for Correction or changes. You can export the output in JPEG or PDF format and get printed anywhere you want.

Title: Greeting Card Xpress PRO v4.0.0.0
Developer: DgFlick Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
License: Paid
Language: Multilingual
OS: Windows

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