BlogStomp 3.73

Download BlogStomp Software Full

Download BlogStomp from the developer’s website. Resize, collage, crop, and watermark your images in one fell swoop. Create multiple styles for your blog, Facebook, gallery, or wherever you share images online. Upload to those sites all from within the app! Stand out from the crowd and personalize your stomps with text, border, color blocks and a ton of other options. BlogStomp3 is just as easy, even faster, and more fun than ever before.

Features of BlogStomp

Blog it better. Blog it faster.

  • Create unique multi-image layouts.
  • Batch process hundreds of images
  • Re-size razor sharp web images
  • Easily apply your logo/watermark
  • Save custom styled image frames
  • Crop images in-app
  • Drag-n-drop image swapping
  • Create custom stomp layouts.
  • Add text to your stomps
  • Add a color block to your layout
  • Write and publish blog posts
  • Upload to your gallery
  • Create and upload Facebook albums
  • Tweet a stomped image
  • Stomp for Instagram
  • Design and upload Facebook covers

BlogStomp Full Version Download

Drag and drop.
Click-and-drag image swapping allows you full control over image placement.

Crop your images.
Crop using our preset crop ratios, or go completely freehand. It’s your call.

Custom stomp layouts.
Not finding the perfect arrangement for your photos? You tell BlogStomp how you want it to look and we’ll do all the hard maths.

Come to the Dark Side.
Ease eye strain with day and night modes.

Social Crop.
Crop for Instagram and Facebook’s cover image.

Title: BlogStomp v3.73
Developer: Home Page
License: Paid
Language: English
OS: Windows
– Official website does not supply any information about changes in this version

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