ASoft .NET Version Detector

ASoft .NET Version Detector Free Download

ASoft .NET Version Detector Free Download

The ASoft .NET Version Detector application was designed to be a lightweight tool that gives information on the different versions of Microsoft .NET that are installed on a machine.

If a certain version isn’t on the machine, you can simply follow the link that .NET Version Detector suggests, so it is easier for the novice user to find the runtimes. Also detailed information is given on where the .NET Frameworks are installed with links to the directories. The details can easily be copied by a user, to paste in a mail.

.NET Version Detector is a handy tool for vendors of .NET applications also.
Knowing which versions a user has installed and where they are located on the hard drive. ASoft allows for a vendor to bundle .NET Version Detector with its application (for free!) so that it is easier to get some generic and exact information on the frameworks.



OS: Windows All


0.3 MB