Ashampoo Slideshow Studio HD
Ashampoo Slideshow Studio HD makes sharing your pictures easier that it used to be: with its easy point-and-click interface and ready-to-use themes you can create great auto-playing slideshows with
music and terrific animated transitions in a snap. After digital cameras made photography easier than ever, now Ashampoo Slideshow Studio HD lets you share your pictures in a simpler way, as well. However, the real innovation is the output formats: you can’t just burn your slideshows to DVDs that will play on any home DVD player. You can also generate HD (high-definition) slideshows that you can upload to YouTube and MyVideo, or as MPEG2, MPEG4 or Windows Media video files that will play on pretty much any computer available. And since the slideshows are saved in a single file sharing them couldn’t be easier.
Ashampoo Slideshow Studio HD lets import your pictures and create a digital slideshow in no time. Show your slideshow on a TV or beamer projector using a PC, DVD or Blu-ray player or even a PlayStation. Choose from a huge number of amazing effects for transitions from photo to photo, comment on your pictures by adding texts and add sentimental background music in order to astonish friends, family and acquaintances and that in brilliant HD quality.
With only a few mouse clicks you can create spectacular slideshows according to your wishes from, for example, birthday, holiday or wedding pictures. You can add background music, texts, subtitles or themes, or edit transition settings and lots more. With Ashampoo Slideshow Studio HD 3 it’s possible to edit the transition duration and effect for each photo individually. Make your slideshow even more personal by adding credits at the beginning or at the end of your show.
Improved Slideshow Editor
The slideshow editor contains a timeline that shows the entire slideshow sequence graphically. You can edit components on the timeline with Drag & Drop. In the slideshow editor you can rotate, edit display durations and show or hide all the elements you add to your slides, with individual fade-in and fade-out for each element. Now the slideshow editor offers more, comfortable functions to select and edit your photos:
* Zoom into photos with Crtl + mouse wheel
* Select the order of your photos when adding several files to the editor (Creation date / file date / alphanumeric)
* Support of guide lines for the adjustments of elements like texts
Improved Transition and Display Settings
The transition and display settings can be edited even individually for each photo:
* Every picture can be set into motion (KenBurns Effect) with freely definable panning and zooming.
* The photo display length and the duration of the transitions are editable for each picture individually.
* The duration and the kind of transition effect can be edited for every single picture.
New Effects and Elements for the Perfect Slideshow
In the slideshow editor several elements, for title, subtitles, graphics or themes, can be added to a slideshow. The new slideshow effects and elements in Ashampoo Slideshow Studio HD 3 contribute to make slideshows more interesting, personal and appealing:
* Opening and end credits with your own text and background of your choice can be added to the slideshow.
* Ashampoo Slideshow Studio HD 3 offers various new automated KenBurns Effects.
* Now a background color for the photos in the slideshow can be selected and shadows on the background can be enabled.
Ashampoo Slideshow Studio HD 3 highlights:
• Comfortable and easy handling
• Spectacular picture transitions, opening and end credits, background music, subtitles etc.
• Freely definable effects, panning and zooming (Ken Burns)
• Slideshows in HD quality (720p and 1080p)
• Output formats: MPEG-1,-2,-4, Facebook compatible format etc.
• Direct burning on DVD or Blu-ray Disc
• Upload directly to YouTube
Output formats:
• YouTube. Choose these formats to share your slideshows online on YouTube. Now you can automatically upload a slideshow on YouTube within Ashampoo Slideshow Studio HD 3. You can choose the standard format or HD video with 720p or 1080p.
• MyVideo and Facebook. Choose these formats to share your slideshows online on YouTube or MyVideo or Facebook. You can choose the standard format or 720p HD videos.
• MPEG-1. MPEG-1 gives you medium compression and only supports standard format (no HD) but it plays on all modern computers.
• MPEG-2, MPEG-4. These formats offer better quality and compression and play on any computer with the correct codecs installed. MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 supports HD up to 1080p.
• M2TS. This fomat is used when creating Blu-ray Discs. You could, for example, save your slideshow in the M2TS format and burn a Blu-ray Disc later on. PlayStation 3 as well as a lot of other Blu-ray player, that have a USB port can display your slideshow directly.
• Windows Media 9. Here too, better quality and compression and HD up to 1080p. Windows Media 9 plays on any Windows machine with Windows Media Player 9 or higher and on many other machines with support for WMV files.
• DVD. You can also burn your slideshows to standard DVDs that will play automatically when they are inserted in any DVD player, complete with the background music and transitions.
• Blu-ray Disc. Burn your slideshow on a standard Blu-ray Disc that can be played in a Blu-ray player. With Ashmapoo Slideshow Studio HD 3 you can either create your slideshow in HD (720p) or Full HD quality (1080p).
OS: Windows XP / Vista / Vista 64 bit / 7 / 7 64 bit / 8 / 8 64 bit
42.9 MB